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This package purchases 4 admissions to the SJV 2022 Golf Tournament and Luncheon. Foursome must be comprised of individuals of at least 12 years of age with at least one over 21 years of age. The format will be a scramble wherein the best shot and placement per hole will be used by the entire foursome.
This purchase provides sponsorship of our "Game" Tee. This is a game hole wherein anyone in the tournament or paid attendees to the luncheon can try to win a game. The hole will be located near the tournament sign-in and information table and so that it will be in full view and focus of all attendees and workers. In addition, this sponsor will receive larger SJV provided signage than the other sponsors and a place of honor in our tournament program. Additional acknowledgement of special sponsorship in one weekend parish bulletin and a minimum of two parish newsletters.
This purchase sponsors one tee at the SJV 2022 Golf Tournament and Luncheon. SJV will provide signage at the tee, along with acknowledgements in the Tournament Program, our parish bulletin for one weekend, and in our parish Newsletter for a minimum of two weeks. You or your company may provide "giveaway items" to promote your company at your tee if desired.